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演 yan

Home Pinyin yan

扮演 bànyǎn play

表演 biǎoyǎn performance; performing

重演 chóngyǎn re-enactment

出演 chūyǎn starred

导演 dǎoyǎn auteur; directed; directing; director; directorial

反演 fǎnyǎn inversion

公演 gōngyǎn performance

合演 héyǎn co-star

路演 lùyǎn roadshow

女演员 nǚ yǎnyuán actress

排演 páiyǎn rehearsal

上演 shàngyǎn staged

试演 shìyǎn auditioned

饰演 shìyǎn play

首演 shǒuyǎn premiere; premiered

演变 yǎnbiàn evolution; evolve; evolved; evolving

演唱 yǎnchàng sing

演唱会 yǎnchàng huì concert

演出 yǎnchū gig; perform; performances; performed; show

演技 yǎnjì acting; showmanship

演讲 yǎnjiǎng lecture; oratory; speech

演练 yǎnliàn drill

演示 yǎnshì demonstrate; demonstrates; demonstration

演说 yǎnshuō oratorical; speech

演替 yǎntì succession

演习 yǎnxí drill; drills; exercise; exercises; manoeuvre; manoeuvres

演戏 yǎnxì acting; play-acting

演艺 yǎnyì performing arts

演绎 yǎnyì deductive

演员 yǎnyuán actor; actors; casts

演奏 yǎnzòu playing

主演 zhǔyǎn starred; starring

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce